Friday, May 22, 2015

COVER STORY: Valiant at 25

I enjoy writing the Cover Story column for Scoop. A lot of folks have theories about what makes a great cover. Some of them are wrong. Some are right. And of course I have my own theories. Each week I get to explore them.

Recently a did a short series on Valiant covers, both from the original -- probably the best line of comics to hit the market since the early days of Marvel -- and the new line-up.

Among them, I took at look at Harbinger #1, X-O Manowar #5, Magnus Robot Fighter #0, Unity #0, Rai #0, Harbinger (2012) #1 and X-O Manowar (2012) #1. Some cool covers on some great comics. Very little in life is so much fun.

While I've done crime comics, The Avengers, and other series in addition to Valiant, there's not always a recurring theme except, like I said, what makes a great cover.

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